Cost And Success Of PRP Hair Treatment In India
Cost And Success Of PRP Hair Treatment In India
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Hair loss is one of the common problems faced by individuals of all ages. Several treatment methods are available for hair regrowth, of which PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) therapy has been gaining popularity in recent times. It is a nonsurgical procedure which involves the withdrawal of one's own blood to utilise it for tissue repair and healing.
PRP treatment is well-known for providing outstanding results in the majority of the individuals suffering from severe hair loss or baldness. One of the common causes of baldness is general androgenetic alopecia, a hair loss condition which occurs due to genetic predisposition, which affects both men and women equally.
It is also known to be one of the most trusted and successful hair loss treatments in India, with an impressive success rate of 92%. The main success of this treatment is attributable to the utilisation of the patient’s own blood, as it helps to prevent the development of any sort of allergic reactions.
Let us dive deeper to understand why PRP has become the preferred choice of treatment for hair restoration in India. We shall also learn about the different aspects related to PRP such as what to expect during the procedure, the pricing, eligibility of the individuals, and other aspects.
Common causes of hair loss
Hair loss is disrupting the lives of millions of Indians. Age-related factors such as, hormonal imbalances, lifestyle factors, diet, and climatic conditions are some of the causative factors of hair loss.
Most of the individuals in India are affected with Telogen effluvium, a condition in which hair loss occurs due to stress, shock or other traumatic events in an individual’s life. About 40% of the hair loss patients in India are affected by this condition.
Nutritional deficiencies and poor gut health, also lead to different types of hair loss conditions in India. The health of your hair is heavily affected by the climatic conditions around you. During the monsoons, people tend to lose more hair, as an increase in humidity causes a swelling in the areas surrounding the hair follicles, causing allergic reactions and the associated complications such as hair fall. Also, moisture weakens the hair follicles and leads to excessive hair fall.
In the recent times, rapid urbanisation is causing an increase in the pollution and a depletion of the ozone layer, which inturn results in the penetration of UV rays which are weakening and damaging the hair shafts and follicles. Rapid changing of the humidity levels is also affecting the hair health.
Traditional vs modern treatments
Since the olden times, hair loss therapies relied primarily on the topical hair growth solutions and some oral medications such as the minoxidil and finasteride. One of the drawbacks of these topical hair growth solutions is that they are required to be used on for a prolonged duration and in some cases for the whole of their life time.
PRP treatment has shown to provide more effective results, when compared to the traditional one’s, as it utilises your own blood cells for the hair growth & healing.
The concentrated plasma used in the PRP treatment contains growth factors to stimulate the growth of hair follicles. PRP acts at a cellular level and helps in:
- Regeneration of the hair follicles naturally
- Better growth through the modified hair lines
- Faster recovery with hardly any discomfort
- Completely safe in combination with all treatments.
How PRP Changed Indian Hair Care? Increased Awareness
PRP hair treatment has been showing tremendous results in treating patients with baldness or hair fall. Unlike, traditional medications like minoxidil and finasteride, the success rate of PRP therapy in India is extremely high. The breakthrough treatment of PRP evolved into a powerful solution for hair loss in the recent times and has brought hope to millions of people looking for effective restoration options at affordable prices.
Numerous scientific data, has demonstrated the positive effects of PRP. Studies have revealed that the hair growth process is completed with the activation of almost all the critical growth factors, responsible for hair growth. They have also shown to extend the duration of the anagen phase and the lifespan of the hair follicles.
One more significant reasons for PRP gaining traction in India is the affordable pricing range; in well renowned clinics such as QHT, it starts from Rs.10,000/-. It is highly economical when compared to the other transplant options.
Pricing and the least invasive nature of the procedure, has made PRP at QHT clinic, the first choice for both local and foreign patients looking for hair restoration in India.
PRP in India is done both as a direct treatment approach or during the post-hair transplant recovery phase.
What to expect during the Procedure
As like any other medical treatment, PRP also involves a thorough medical evaluation. Once you visit the clinic, our doctors will assess your hair loss pattern and review your complete medical history to determine and understand the reasons for your hair fall and to check for your eligibility for the treatment.
The expert doctors at QHT would determine the duration and the number of PRP sessions required for you. The doctor’s will do a thorough examination of your scalp, to observe for the pattern of hair loss and design your hair line accordingly. You will also be asked to stop medications that increase bleeding risk, including aspirin.
The process starts when your doctor draws a small blood sample (15-50 milliliters) from your arm. Your blood then goes through a centrifuge that separates it into three distinct layers - red blood cells, platelet-poor plasma, and the vital platelet-rich plasma.
A local anesthesia is administered to you before the procedure, to avoid any sort of pain. Then, the platelet rich plasma is injected into goes into your scalp through fine needles or injections.
Usually, a total of three or four injections are administered within a gap of four to six weeks between each session.
The Recovery Process
You might feel mild tenderness and swelling for 2-5 days after treatment.
Our doctors would suggest you with a few of the following post procedure precautions:
- Do not wash your hair with direct shower for at least 24 hours.
- Avoid use of any harsh chemicals or heat treatments on your hair for at least 72 hours.
- Avoid heavy lifting, and strenuous exercise for the initial few days.
- Avoid smoking & alcohol for the initial few days
- Consume a balanced diet to promote hair health
Most of the patients see their improvements within three months, with most important progress showing after six months. The complete transformation typically takes 6-12 months, depending on your specific hair loss condition.
Commonly encountered challenges
Like any other treatment, PRP treatment also gives you a number of challenges, such as:
- Redness or swelling at the injection site
- Slight bleeding (at the recipient site).
The PRP treatments are differently planned for different types of patients, based on the goal of the treatment. So, there is no exact timeline unianimous for all the patients.
Typically more challenges are encountered by individuals when there are undergoing PRP treatment after a hair transplant session.
Smart Ways to Plan Your PRP Treatment
The timing of your PRP hair treatment is highly important to get the best possible outcomes. Most of the experts like those at the QHT clinic always recommend their patients to get the PRP treatment in the initial stages of uncontrolled hair fall, rather than after developing a complete baldness; to gain maximum possible treatment outcomes.
Best possible results from a PRP treatment can be obtained when your hair follicles are still actively producing some hair, your uncontrollable hair loss has just started, if you develop some mild to moderate thinning patterns.
Choosing the right clinic for PRP treatment in India
Choosing a right clinic is all that matters when it comes to the success of your treatment with PRP. Some of the factors that you should consider while choosing a clinic for PRP hair treatment include: -
- Expert doctors or healthcare staff- Experience & expertise of the staff is important as the whole PRP process is to be performed by highly skilled professionals.
- Latest equipment- Look for the clinics with advanced centrifuge machines to be used during the platelet extraction and separation.
- Treatment Protocols- Standard medical procedures and safety guidelines are to be followed by the clinics for the best possible results from a PRP session.
Cost of PRP treatment in India
For any of you who is planning to undergo a PRP session the first thing that comes into your mind , is it cost-effective? Cost or pricing plays a crucial role when it comes to the success of any medical treatment and PRP is no exception to it.
A clear understanding of the treatment plan and the number of sessions along with detailed treatment cost helps you to be prepared financially and to be at peace. While deciding on the cost effectiveness you can plan and compare the treatment costs of different clinics and check for good package deals for the PRP treatment. If the treatment is part of the hair transplant process, the clinics would usually provide you a all inclusive package pricing, while, if it is not part of the hair transplant process, the pricing would be different. So, it is crucial to have a clear picture of the treatment pricing before starting the sessions itself.
You can also ask for flexible payment option such as EMI, to pay for the PRP treatments. This part payment option is highly beneficial when you are getting your treatment done in a clinic in any of the metro cities of India, with a bigger treatment set-up , and you want to get the treatment here for the reasons that the staff are highly qualified and they have a tremendous success rate in the field of PRP treatments.
Maintenance sessions for PRP are usually considered every 6 months.
PRP is considered a safe and most effective solution for Indians suffering from hair loss. The success of the treatment is evident from the and positive outcomes experienced by majority of the individuals. Most of the research studies have shown that the early initiation of the PRP treatment while the hair follicles are still in active phase, has shown greater results. This treatment is considered safe because the plasma obtained from one's blood is useful for the hair regrowth treatment.
This is also non-invasive and much affordable treatment options for patients suffering from severe hair loss. Improvements are gradually seen after a few treatment sessions as planned based on the patient’s condition; in some cases, it might take 3-6 months to gain the results.
PRP has found to be successful when compared with other traditional hair loss treatments. It is highly effective in stimulating hair growth, with very little downtime and with permanent results. Remember that your success also depends on the post-procedural care and your over all health.
Q1. What is the average cost of PRP hair treatment in India?
PRP hair treatment cost about Rs. 10,000/- in India. It again depends on various factors such as the number of injections required and the maintenance phase sessions.
Q2. How long will it take to see results from PRP hair treatment?
Majority of the patients will start to show improvement in their hair re-growth within 3 months of treatment. While, individual treatment results depends on factors such as age and the severity of hair loss.
Q3. Is PRP hair treatment effective in all people with hair loss?
PRP hair treatment is effective for various kinds of hair loss, and most importantly for those with androgenetic alopecia or shock hair loss. It is mainly successful in those having active hair follicles with mild to moderate patterns of thinning rather than completely bald.
Q4. What are the side effects of PRP hair treatment, if any?
Patients typically experience very mild adverse effects like localized pain at the injection sites and slight scalp sensitivity with minimal bleeding, in rare cases. Such transient adverse effects are relieved within a few days post-treatment.
Q5. How does PRP hair treatment compare with other conventional approaches to hair loss?
Treatment with PRP has been proved more effective than any traditional treatments alone, as it helps in the natural healing process of the body. Report this page